Wednesday, February 13, 2008

February 13th - Sorry Day

Well, at last it's finally happened. It took a change of government to get there, but the government has apologised to the Aboriginal people of Australia for the stolen generations, as well as for what's happened to their culture since colonization more than 200 years ago.

Like or hate Kevin Rudd, but you have to admit that he knows how to make a speech. This one may go down in history. Excellent words.

The reaction so far has been positive. Some people were taken aback that the leader of the Opposition was allowed to make a speech supporting the apology (since their government and leader - who was conspicuously absent today - were firmly against making any kind of apology) but I feel it's fair to recognise that the will of the people must be done, and to resist that is plainly ridiculous. Also to resist common sense is also plainly ridiculous. At least with Mr. Howard consigned to the knackers the Opposition can get on with developing some kind of intelligent response to the needs of the nation.

I wonder if this will become a public holiday in response? A bit like Martin Luther King Day in the US, this could be our time to reflect on the kind of society we're making and to re-focus our efforts on making it a free and fair one for all citizens.

There was an interesting article on how Obama ended up becoming the darling of the establishment after being against them for so long, and how Clinton has become the voice of the worker, after being against them for just as long! Now that's spin in motion.

The US military is against countries targeting children for military service. So how do they explain this?

The rest is just silly crap.

Beer is now cheaper than water in Scotland, so my dream of having a beer bath in my home just became a step closer to fulfilment.

This guy will kick your ass! Probably not, but you have to admire his drive and desire. Onya!

The stories behind some of the most famous toys are just as interesting as the toys themselves.

And there's hope for me yet!

Also, a Japanese friend last night called me 'pure and innocent'!! Well, if I'm pure and innocent then the rest of you are all descended from angels! Black as the driven tar, I am....

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