Thursday, February 07, 2008


The slow Internet is continuing. Looks like the problem is with my ISP. Hopefully we'll get it sorted out in the next 10 seconds before I throw something around the study!

The Super Tuesday thing happened and the fallout is getting interesting, with McCain looking like becoming the Republican frontrunner. The possibilities stemming from that don't look good for him getting elected president - but we'll see! If he's up against Clinton then he might be in with a chance.

With my internet choices pretty slim at the moment, thankfully the Aussie newspaper pages have been loading up reasonably successfully. Thankfully there were some interesting stories.

One was about the next generation of passenger jets zooming across the earth at five times the speed of sound, powered by hydrogen. Could be fun! Another was an interesting piece about what's happening in Papua New Guinea where there's a tussle going on between those who want to preserve the Kokoda Trail, and those who wish to develop it. Lastly, it looks like the revolution for democracy in Iran could be started by... CHRIS DE BURGH!?

Say it isn't so!

It looks like the writer's strike is paying off with some comedy gold unfolding on US tv the past couple of weeks. Wish I'd been able to see that one.

Also there was this... make of it what you will.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God I want to have babies with Stephen Colbert.

Many, many, many many many babies.

Or at the very least, lots of sex.