Monday, June 30, 2008

Lazy Monday

It's a hot sunny day here in this part of Japan. Let the sun shine and let the music play. Make mine a double!

George Carlin's last interview was a good 'un.

Keeping history alive - recently it was the 60th anniversary of the Berlin Airlift.

The signs of a downturn in the Australian economy are starting to pile up. The fact that pawnbrokers are making a big return isn't good either.

While one Murdoch bemoans the state of Australia's girls being exploited, over-sexualised and objectified, another knocks that story right on the head with another story about girl soldiers in Africa being exploited, raped, terrorised and abused. Kinda puts things into perspective, eh? And if you're thinking of buying your daughter a pole-dancing kit, don't be surprised at the results.

I could be replaced by a Nintendo DS.

In China, they pay cash for everything.

Signs of a new Cold War don't bode well for our future...

NASA is going to build some nice new fireworks.

The backlash against overparenting has (finally) begun.

Some good news. Mercedes Benz is going to stop the production of gasoline-only cars in seven years. The future could be here.

Some more good news. It turns out that the ocean in tropical areas is a natural sink for ozone and methane, both of which are contributing to the global increase in temperatures. The onlt problem is we're overloading the system.

The media have been going nuts about the forecast lack of ice at the North Pole this summer. Perhaps that'll jolt some people into action. One idea is to make greater use of geo-thermal power, although messing with volcanoes usually ends badly - just ask Indonesia. Now may be a good time to move to the US Pacific North West since they're giving away electricity due to oversupply. In Japan, with gasoline expecting to hit 180 yen a litre soon, I hope the car manufacturers are stepping up the research into all-electric vehicles. Make mine a Tesla - although in the meantime if anyone wants to buy me a BMW M3, I won't be complaining!

Speaking of Japan, Australia gets to play Japan in the World Cup qualifiers next year. Bring it on!

A collection of Japanese actors and singers, before and after the plastic surgery. The comments in French are wonderful as well - no translations necessary!

Yes, Japan is weird - and not just culturally. It also has its share of weird mythological creatures too.

I'd like a green roof for my house - if I ever get one.

What Africa really needs is to be left alone. In other words; banks, corporations, get out!

Those two doughnuts I had today are really going to kill me. Seriously though, I'm only regularly eating things that are at the bottom of these lists. Come on fat - get the hell out!

Could this be the cure for cancer we've been hoping for? The bad news is, if you're young, start running: your white blood cells are looking very, very tasty!

In more bad news, in Canada, some words are illegal.

And if you're thinking which Australian albums would be a good place to start listening - try these for starters.

It's done, done, done!

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