Friday, March 28, 2008

Hey there

Another day, another yen.

I got about nine to ten hours of sleep last night and that seems to have sated my chronic tiredness - at least for the past couple of hours.

If you're like me, you really don't read or understand much about global economics. I've been wading through this summary of the global financial crisis for a while. I know it's important to understand but it's not sinking in a whole lot... I'll keep plugging away though.

It's good to see that the entrepreneurial spirit is not dead... errrmmm...

Japan's going down the same route as a lot of other Asian countries, in overloading and over scheduling their kids' childhoods with activities, lessons and the like. Playtime looks like becoming a thing of the past - especially when it's spent with a robot minder. The implications of that are mind-boggling...

Drinking beer is now a protest against globalization and capitalism?

Paris Hilton can't even make a decent bad movie.

Aah, so the expansion into biofuels really just helps inflate the profits of "the giant grain, biotech and oil companies". Gotcha.

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