Saturday, December 29, 2007

48 hours

In exactly 2 days I'll be walking through the door of my apartment in Japan, and for quite a while I am NOT looking forward to going home. I've had such a great time here in Adelaide for the past 10 weeks, but sadly all good things come to an end...

2008 looks like it will be a year of many changes and many new things to do. It could be good.

Time to look back at some predictions from the year gone by - at least for technology. Also time to look forward with one of the best sets of predictions I've read for a while.

Also this was a good read about the state of music production at the moment, and more specifically about how mp3s are killing good sounding music. I have nothing against mp3s myself, but buying the CD has often opened up the mix so much compared to anything obtained online. All I need now is a lot of storage for all the CDs I want to get!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha nice predictions. Some scarily plausible!
