Monday, August 27, 2007

No, really

This has to be one of the silliest articles I have ever read.... or one of the most obvious cries for help and pleas for a decent job.

"The standard unit of length shall be the EU standard (Florentine) linguine (unboiled at sea level), defined as 1lg, representing 14cm, 0.02784 perches, 0.462 Japanese shyaku or 0.0007568 Ancient Greek stadium ptolemeys

For greater than 1lg, the following should be used:

  • Double-decker bus = 65.85lg
  • Brontosaurus = 15 double-decker buses laid bumper-to-bumper
  • Length across known universe at shortest point = 136 trillion brontosauruses laid nose-to-tail"
So now you know....

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