Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Long time.....

Sorry about the break. It's been quite a few weeks.

Been dealing with two deaths in families; one here and one back home. Also been sick since the end of April. Work's also been really busy when I haven't been taking time off. Blogging's been one of the last things on my mind.

At least the Socceroos gave me a good reason to break my blogging drought.

I caught the game in Akashi last night at Murphy's Irish Bar. Mostly a Japanese crowd including a fellow teacher who was decked out in the blue strip. Was touch and go until the end which was just fantastic - a dream start to the World Cup for us. Me and another Aussie fellow named Nathan jumping up and down in front of the big screen after the game must've been quite a sight!

I'll give a big credit to the fans in the bar though - they were gracious in defeat. One poor fellow next to me whose favourite phrase whenever something exciting happened (about once every two minutes!) was, "My stomach hurts," bought me a beer after the game, so I bought him one back.

Bring on the Brazilians and the Croates!

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