Saturday, April 26, 2008

One more

Just before I temporarily retire myself to technological oblivion - one for the road.

Some Obama supporters towing the line that race doesn't matter. Methinks they doth deny too much. When given the choice of the other two, could Obama be the best option though? Maybe. Maybe not.

Here was something about how Kenya reversed one of the IMF's and World Bank's conditions of support - and how it helped the poor in their country. More needs to be done though.

Bolivia's new president has an interesting 10 Commandments to help the country - and the world. I wonder if they'll work out...

San Francisco is becoming one of the better linked cities in the world, as far as public transport is concerned. Probably no surprise to those living there, but it should be a model for other cities to follow.

The Last Post

Today was ANZAC Day so I had a small relection today. I was standing in a line with thousands of Japanese people trying to get into a pavilion at the Himeji Sweets Festival, but actually being surrounded by all these people I couldn't really understand, slowly shuffling along was quite meditative!

The festival itself was quite something. Once inside the pavilion I was able to see all kinds of sculptures made completely out of sugar.

The only major drawback was that there was absolutely no information for the international visitor - no materials were produced in any language other than Japanese. A bit of a shame since they're supposed to be pushing Japan as more of an international destination these days. I got that info from an ex-student of mine who happened to be volunteering there today.

She also told me that Himeji Castle won't be knocked down. What's going to happen is from October they're going to construct a GLASS BOX around the castle and then strip off the plaster and roof and replace them. She said it's going to take at least five years so don't plan to come to Himeji to see the castle after then - come to see me! ;-)

Anyway, I'll be turning off the Internet for Golden Week. I need to unplug as I think I'm just spending way too much time here reading about the imminent collapse of civilization... I need to get out and see some of it before it goes away forever - and me along with it.

There are more articles about the food crisis to peruse. One actually directly calls for Americans to stock up on basic foodstuffs. Scary.

While diving through the economic sections in various papers and reading up on the food crisis I came across these articles about Spain and LA - both bringing up that they are areas in trouble - Spain especially.


The study of mitochondrial DNA (passed down through our mothers) has revealed all sorts of interesting details of our ancient heritage. One is that way all indeed have a common ancestor. Also we were nearly wiped out about 70,000 years ago, and we likely diverged into two separate species at one point before merging again. Fascinating.

So, what happens when you remove Garfield from the Garfield comic? All of Jon's neuroses come to the fore, that's what! Interesting and quite darkly funny...

The next classic to be remade worse? Blake's 7!? Say it isn't so! The only one that's worked has been Battlestar Galactica - unless you count Buffy as a remake... The first few episodes of the new Bionic Woman had potential as well. I want to see them try out Buck Rogers though - gawd that was awful!!

See you in ten days or so.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Stuff from all around...

Saving the world is a daunting task. Frankly, I was never cut out to be a super-hero. I look ridiculous in lycra.

There's a lot of serious news out there aside from Obama vs Clinton. (Although, with Michael Moore throwing his weight behind Obama, is that like the kiss of death?)

For a start, we really are going to find it harder to feed ourselves, or at least more expensive. There's food rationing in the USA, people returning to a DIY mentality (didn't this last happen in WWII?), it getting harder for Japan to source food from overseas (although they're trying hard) - not to mention beer prices continuing to rise - if ever there was a crisis, this is it! The expanding populations of developing countries such as The Philippines can't be helping the situation either.

On a positive(?) note, it looks like Americans will be consuming less anyway, because they're dying younger...

Looks like the three-second-rule doesn't exist. Whoops.

The Australian is taking up the sun-spot theory of global cooling. We'll see how this coming winter goes...

The reason I do this is to record and (hopefully) preserve some of the things I find out there on teh internets and hopefully you find some of it interesting too. When I find stories about long forgotten, but nonetheless important events, I hope I can contribute to their memory not fading away. Here's one about a long forgotten part of Australia's war history. Here's another about a forgotten chapter in America's civil rights struggle.

Australia's economy continues to surge, putting the dollar at all time highs, and inflation spiraling. With the recent conference to gain ideas on how to lead Australia into the future over and done with, a commentator not invited posts a few more ideas for perusal... This article about the wider economic picture in the US makes a good point about infrastructure: both the US and Australia need investment in basic infrastructure - massive investment anyway. It'd be a forward-thinking gesture, but aside from that, it'd be taking care of the country into the future, as well as providing jobs for the present. It'd certainly help stem the tide of recession sweeping over the USA, but it'd also help sort out the growing gap between those with full time work and those without. When you consider that none of the candidates have a housing policy, this during one of the largest housing crises ever seen in the US, it doesn't bode well for the future.

Bush says the Olympics are not about politics. Whoops.

Looks like they'll be after your DNA before too long.

Enjoy the sounds of songbirds while you can... last chance to hear?

Quite a good piece about the state of Japan's home construction industry and a few of its problems. The main one is that homes are engineered to last 26 years, but mortgages last at least 35 years. Wuh?!?

Another good piece about Iraq. Another good one about the 'war on terror'.

In cultural matters, there's a new doco about the branding of Che Guevara which looks interesting.

A site that does this way better than me.

Smell the flowers - dang.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Been a while...

Yup, it's time for an update.

My mum came to visit for 10 days this month which was a lovely time. I had to work, so she did some solo travelling by the train system. She did really well for someone who speaks no Japanese! It was her 4th visit though, so at least it was familiar to her. We did some sightseeing around here, went to the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge then 2 days in Hiroshima and Miyajima.

I managed to break my Miyajima curse! The 4 previous times I'd been it had rained, but this time the weather was perfect!

I've also been in the wars again as far as my health is concerned. Gastritis is not fun at all.

Also we had our kids' picnic at work yesterday. We had about 200 kids with their parents in a huge park in Ako, which was pretty frantic! We did all sorts of games with them and finished off with piƱatas. My group of six-year-olds were having trouble breaking open mine; it was pretty sturdy! It gave me untold pleasure to beat the crap out of Anpanman! The kids went nuts grabbing as many sweets as they could. A very good end to the day. Afterwards our boss shouted us coffee and cake, but we all wanted the free water!!

The beer at home afterwards was VERY satisfying!

And now, memory hole, here it comes...

IKEA are opening a store in Kobe, and to celebrate they've decked out a train - hideously.

Apparently I brought some cocaine back from Vegas...

Flowers are losing their scent, thanks to air pollution. Now it could be linked to the cause of Colony Collapse Disorder which is still affecting hives across Europe and the UK.

Shock! Tokyo Disneyland doesn't cater for foreigners! I guess if they're after the lucrative Chinese/Korean market then it makes sense. I still have strong memories of watching Ron Howard et al. speaking fluent Japanese at Universal Studios Japan in 2001.

It is a sign of how the times are changing though. China is becoming a dominant world culture - not just an economic power.

On a more serious note, this changing of the locus of world power, plus a number of other factors (including my pet hate: biofuels) is causing the price of basic commodities and foodstuffs to soar. The price of rice has skyrocketed in the past few months, leading to food riots in some countries. It looks like we'll all be growing potatoes instead before too long.

Some may say that we could just start popping vitamin pills to get what we need, but recent research has indicated that people who do that are probably creating more risk for their long-term health than they realize.

It may all not matter since an asteroid could hit us in 2029. If it doesn't we could all be living in the stars. Or we could just be living forever.

Sounds like we should all try to do something to make us happy. You could try some things from this list made in 1829, or move to Denver.

As for me, during Golden Week I will be going one better than having a digital day of rest - and going for a week without my computer, e-mail, mobile phone and maybe even TV. I'll likely get out of my apartment and head off somewhere quiet(er).

How about overseas? At least check out what's happening in airline security to make that part of the process as smooth as possible. Europe is always beckoning me, but once there it looks like trains are best for the short-haul trips and planes for the longer ones - that's despite the air tickets going for next to nothing.

A Sakai experience is not out of the question either...

I'm glad to see that Robert Forster has released a solo album.

I'm not happy at all that the new Astroboy looks like a sumo wrestler.

Mmmm... good taste is somewhat lacking...

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Happy Happy...

Some might think that I'm leaning towards the Republicans with the way I've been attacking Obama's presidential run. To be honest I'm just wanting people to walk into an Obama presidency with their eyes open. I just don't believe he will be a force for the kind of change the majority of Americans need or want. The thing I'm worried about the most as a global citizen is a McCain presidency. THAT would be FAR worse than either Obama or Clinton.

It's an interest of mine to see what technology makes the transition from sci-fi to reality. This story just scared me though. I didn't like Minority Report that much, but I watched it as a futurist, and there were some really good ideas that are coming true as well. Now, when I can read about the prospect of weaponized insects running about the place, that's not the kind of world I want to live in...

Gotta go. Gotta clean. Gotta take medicine...

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

I solemnly swear....

...that I shall make no more expensive technology purchases for the next twelve months. I'm done.

What a few days it's been.

I had two days of training in Osaka with one of my co-workers. Met some very 'interesting' people and wondered almost out loud if these are the sorts of people that Japanese parents are willing to let loose on the developing minds of their children then we're in for a long and bumpy ride. That ranted, most of my co-trainees and trainers were fine, decent human beings. The room we had to train in was pretty disgraceful though. The decor was circa 'The Shining' and the temperature was approaching one of Dante's inner circles of Hell.

Got to sup on some fine Mexican food though - and the Coronas passed muster.

Two days in that room finished me off as far as my health was concerned, so I ended up going to the hospital today and walked off with not one but five different types of medication to feast on for the next week. Yay me.

I have to admit that I like the idea.

A fine place to wait out eternity.

Look up - your overlords are watching you. If they aren't there, then they're probably off wandering the Earth in search of new things to devour...

It all may not matter though as we may all cease to exist next Tuesday. At least it'll be before this hits the screens.

I told you so. So have they.

Everyone has a hobby.

I might go here next winter.

I found a good place to open an English school.

Another reason to eat bacon.

I think they mean it when they say 'No pictures'. I still want to see it though...


Best reason ever to get up today - apart from all-you-eat yakiniku. I forgot... oh well.